Ms. Debbie Henry

Education Assistant
Hi! My name is Deb Henry and this is my 2nd year as Educational Assistant TCHS. I have been subbing for the Horizon School District since 2016 and have worked at TCS during that time as well. I was born in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia into a family of 10 .I spent my summers growing up swimming in the Atlantic Ocean which was within walking distance of my home. This formed a deep love of the ocean, berry picking and outdoor fun and lots of family fun times for me growing up . I moved here 18 years ago from Prince Rupert B.C. I moved from one ocean to another for my nursing career. I have 4 adult children and 10 awesome grandchildren. My hobbies are cooking, baking, swimming, winter sledding and long walks. My favorite thing to do is to purposely make memories with my grandchildren I do tend to make out of the box memories such as dancing bare feet in the rain with them or run around for a few minutes bare feet in the first snowfall of the year, they are memories they never forget and we have lots of fun which is my greatest earthly joy. My deepest love is Jesus and family. My goal this year is to continue to make one on one connections with students and show by example just how much the LORD truly loves each and everyone of them. I am honored to be here. I am truly excited about the new high school and what God has in store for us.