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TCHS - Arts Awards

TCHS Arts Awards!!

We also want to congratulate our award winners this year and in retroactive years to celebrate our Arts Program at TCHS! Congratulations to the following students:

Fine Arts Drama:

Mastery Award - Someone who demonstrates perseverance, dedication and expertise in taking on and excelling in a significant role in dramatic production.

2022 - Kayden Dueck

2023 - Christina Giesbrecht & Emily Bueckert

2024 - Priscilla Friesen

Gracious Collaborator - someone who demonstrates courage and a willingness to embrace a role for the purposes of producing a memorable theater experience.

2022 - Danica Friesen & Jessica Rempel

2023 - Jordan Fehr

2024 - Haley Roeda

Fine Arts Music:

Mastery Award - someone who demonstrates perseverance, dedication and expertise in contributing music to the TCHS community.

2022 - Jason Redecop

2023 - Angela Unger & Jennifer Giesbrecht

2024 - Haylie Peters

Servant Leader - Someone who demonstrates courage, service and leadership in providing music for worship.

2022 - Angela Unger & Jennifer Giesbrecht

2023 - Alex Wind

2024 - Savanah Schmitt

Fine Arts Visual Art:

Mastery Award - someone who demonstrates perseverance, dedication and expertise in producing beautiful art work in service of their school community.  

2022 - Katie Froese

2023 - Kayden Dueck

2024 - Micaela Friesen

Courageous Designer - Someone who demonstrates courage and a willingness to be creative in their expression of beautiful artwork in service of their school community.  

2022 - Mason Bird

2023 - Emma Klassen & Keisha Peters

2024 - Savanah Schmitt

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